Friday, January 31, 2020

Illegal Immigration Essay Example for Free

Illegal Immigration Essay One of the reasons of implementing the US immigration policy is to control and protect America’s national borders. The US border patrol controls and protects international state lines in the effort to arrest any individuals making attempts to enter the US illegally. Illegal immigration attempts are predominant on the border between the US and Mexico. In the past 20 years, economic recession in Mexico has contributed to increase illegal entries or attempts to the same by the Mexicans. Consequently, political sensitivity about illegal immigration that has been brought by Mexico’s poor economic performance has made the US government to dramatically improve the efforts aimed at increasing security at the US- Mexico border. Most illegal immigrants are seen to move from Mexican border cities to US Border States as their final destination. According to Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, border patrol officers have had to spend more hours policing the Mexican border with an increase of up to 5. million hours in 1997 from 1. 8 million hours in 1977 (2002). Border regions are mostly affected by situations caused by illegal immigration. For example, illegal immigration has the likelihood of affecting border markets. Such markets include Southern California, Mexican cities on the US-Mexico borders and South Western Texas (Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, 2002). Illegal immigration has both negative and positive results to the socio-economic status of the US. Effects of Illegal Immigration Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo claim that immigration leads to the reduction of wages of US workers. The rise in immigration cases has resulted in low skilled immigrants and low skilled US workers competing for jobs. Moreover, immigrants are ready to take up any jobs leaving the low skilled US workers to settle for the remaining jobs (Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, 2002). Findings by Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo indicate that border enforcement deters illegal immigrants whose entry has impacts on the labor markets in the US border areas. According to these findings, border regions can minimize illegal immigration without necessarily changing the native wages or even moving the natives from border regions or discouraging them to move to the border areas (Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, 2002). Border economies may also be forced to shift to industries that are dependent on the skills of arriving immigrants so that low skilled labor can be secured for both US natives and immigrants (2002). Illegal immigrants are seen to add to the problem of public health that is already an issue that needs attention and review in the US. Attention is focused on the recent developments that allow immigrants to use public programs such as heath insurance. As per the 2000 census, 1 in every 5 children is an immigrant family member in the largely dispersed immigrant families in America. The immigration statuses of parents and children may also differ with up to 10% of immigrant children living in families of mixed status hence creating complexity. There are non-citizen parents who live with citizen children as their main caregivers. The citizen children may be denied health insurance due to their parents’ citizenship and this may affect the health of both parents and children despite them being Americans (Paiti and Danagoulian, 2008). It is important to note that poor health of immigrants’ children will eventually have a significant effect on the socio-economic future of every American. According to Paiti and Danagoulian, foreign born children in the US do not depend on public health insurance schemes compared to those born in the US despite the reverse of the rule on public charge. The increased likelihood of foreign born children to be uninsured, to live in poverty and to have parents who have less than high school formal education is a contributing factor to the poor living conditions. The parents’ poor economic abilities create future projections of low abilities of immigrant children to be economically productive members of the labor force in America (Paiti Danagoulian, 2008). Today, USA claims that about 7 million illegal immigrants do not have medical insurance due to legal restrictions. In addition, 366,000 of the immigrants buy insurance policies from private companies. A publication on USA today named â€Å"Everyone Benefits if Illegal Immigrants are insured† claimed that just as in automobile insurance, the US public would benefit from premiums paid by illegal immigrants by collecting the surplus using it to provide better health care to the US citizens (USA Today, 2009). Illegal immigration is wrong and it should be stopped, but in the meantime, the country should benefit from having illegal aliens around before inventing ways of stopping the practice in order to create a win-win in the situation. In addition to border patrols and the deportation of captured aliens, the introduction of an Immigration and Control Act in 1986 helped in controlling illegal immigration (Pearce and Hill, 1990). According to Pearce Hill, â€Å"immigration law will reduce employment of illegal aliens in some parts of the economy but not in others†. However, limitations in the US budget will force authorities â€Å"to focus their enforcement efforts on industries with a large concentration of illegals at an individual business establishment† (1990, pp. 43). Prior to the act, employers hired illegal immigrants knowingly as they would face no penalty. Since this law, there has been a registered decline in border crossings in most entry points and more illegal immigrants finding it hard to get jobs. Although the reform process is done by high skilled professionals, sanctions will improve the standard of living of low skill laborers even though to a small extent. Pearce and Hill suggest that substantial improvement in the real wages of legal and less skilled laborers will occur if sanctions are fully executed. In addition, legal and illegal low skill labor should be subject to substitution. The law must also be accurately applied to achieve benefits of sanctions (Pearce Hill, 1990). The Economist reports that critics fear the influx of Hispanic immigrants, who enter the US illegally, take up jobs and move into different parts of the country, are able to create two nations (2005). The illegal Latino immigrants take up common jobs in construction, distribution and food industry that is well needed for economic growth of the cities they occupy. Immigrants are seen to be assimilated into the US by almost becoming like everyone else in the US. They now become citizens, pay taxes, enlist in the army, participate in politics and even speak English (The Economist, 2005). Despite fears of critiques of the negative effects of immigration, positive outcomes have also been observed from the same which is an important input to America. Conclusion Immigrants to the US have been seen to continue gaining access illegally despite the introduction of more sophisticated patrols at entry points. The introduction of labor laws that protect legal workforce in the US continues to protect low skilled laborers. However, better laws ought to be formulated to ensure that workers do not receive wages that are beneath their ability to sustain a comfortable life. In addition, illegal immigrant families should be assisted to take care of their offspring who are American citizens by acquiring medical insurance and other facilities as it has proven to be beneficial to the American populace. Socio-economic benefits accrued from the inclusion of immigrants in the social programs of America should also be observed as a positive contribution to the society.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

David Letterman :: Essays Papers

David Letterman Anyone that has met, seen, heard of, or listened to David Letterman can immediately tell he has a likable and humorous personality. Anyone studying him can see that his â€Å"clowning,† as he called it, is more than simple clowning in its accepted sense. In inventing weird disasters and making up places that did not exist, which he did quite often as a weather man for channel 13, he was indulging himself in another facet of his complicated humor. It was â€Å"nonsense†-nothing more, nothing less. And the nonsense that David found most compatible with his sense of humor was fragile, soap-bubble thin, and as transparent as butterfly wings. This easygoing, laid back sense of humor has brought him were he is today. On the other hand, anyone that has met Garrett Scharton has more than likely been stung by his sarcastic, witty remarks. His sense of humor, derived from his ever- changing childhood, has taught him to always â€Å"be on his toes.† Garrett’s hardships in his early years have opened his eyes to see the lighter side of everything to keep his sanity. This sometimes gets in his way of experiencing new things. The lingering insecurities in the back of his mind, which are shadowed by his unsurpassed wit, put a wall in front of anyone trying to get close. David Letterman and Garrett Scharton’s sense of humor are comparable in two ways. David’s peachy, childish remarks surprise even the most intelligent of observers. He cracks jokes, plays pranks, and â€Å"clowns around,† to have fun. He makes people laugh to hear them have a good time. While Garrett, stings with words to keep people at a distance. David jokes around to have fun, while Garrett does it for protection. All throughout his life David performed sub-par academically compared to his older and younger sisters. His â€Å"C† average convinced him to lower his goal for going to Indiana State, and settle for Ball State. His less than professional training as a radio talk show host gave him a chance to find his own, special angle to look at news, politics, and daily life. He now gives a lot of credit for his successful career to Ball State. In 1985, to show his appreciation to Ball State, he funded a scholarship that is eligible for â€Å"C† students only.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

College Worth? Essay

College is a place for higher education. Many people go there for further study every year. Meanwhile, plenty of people skip college or drop out of college. Sort of people believe college is not worth because it cost too much. Most people think college is worth because you will able to get a good job when you holding a degree. Yes, because being a college graduate can help you gain more than the money you spent to pay for college. College is worth it because you will have a better job and pay then you can support yourself and your family. College student debt grows year by year, which means many students are unable to pay back their loan because they drop out of college or unable to find a job that can help they pay for their loan. However, it is just an excuse for those who did not finish college. In fact, according the article â€Å"The (Non-Monetary) Value of a College Degree†, Elia Powers writes â€Å"In 2005, a person with a professional degree could expect to make $100,000 a year, compared with less than $32,000 for a high school graduate and $51,000 for a graduate of a four-year college† this means college graduate can make much more money than high school graduate. Also, in the article â€Å"College Student Debt Grows. Is It Worth It?† NPR Staff state â€Å"For students graduating this year, Kantrowitz estimates that their debt will be about $27,000† this means people mostly borrow about $27,000 for college. Assume you graduate from college and earn $51,000 every year. You can pay $500 monthly. Then your debt will be clear with 5 years. Of course if you are only high school graduate and earning $32,000 per year. You are not able to pay back the loan because the money is only support for your own life expenses. Although finishing college requires much effort and time, college is worth it because college can lead you to become a healthier person. Finishing college can help you to make healthier decisions. When you are in college, you are considering about yourself and your future. You will able to determine what is good for you and what is bad. As the article â€Å"The (Non-Monetary) Value of a College Degree†, Elia Powers mentions â€Å"Of those 25 or above, roughly 25 percent of people whose educations stopped at high school smoke, compared with 10 percent of those who earned a bachelor’s degree or higher,† this means people who are college graduate most likely quit smoking or do not smoke. As we know smoking is a bad habit that will damage human health. So they made a healthy choice which is to stay away from smoking. Also at the same article above, Elia Powers said â€Å"for instance, more than 60 percent who were in the 25-34 age range said they exercised â€Å"vigorously† at least once a week. That’s compared with 31 percent of high school graduates who said the same.† This means 60 percent of college graduate exercise frequently so they can keep their body in health shape. We all know living in a healthy way is important because no one wants to get sick. Healthy is precious now because people realize health is our wealth. Although some factors may bother you going to college, college is still worth it because you will become a responsible citizen who can return to our society. The most important thing for a country is its citizen. The government needs money to run so we pay taxes and we can chose the best person to lead and improve our country. Then we can have a better life. In the article â€Å"The (Non-Monetary) Value of a College Degree†, Elia Powers states â€Å"Forty-three percent of those surveyed with at least a bachelor’s degree said they volunteered in 2006, and they reported doing so for a median of 55 hours.† This means college graduate people will more likely to serve for our society. This can make our environment better. Also, as â€Å"The (Non-Monetary) Value of a College Degree† Elia Powers mentions â€Å"In every age category, college graduates cast ballots at a higher rate than those who didn’t receive a diploma. The trend is particularly pronounce d for the 25- to 44-year-old group, in which 76 percent of college graduates voted, compared with 49 percent of high school graduates.† This means college graduate are also more willing to vote too. They want to be involved in the election. This is good for the democracy of the country. We all deserve the right to enjoy the facility of our country; however, we have the duty to serve our country too. College can make you become a good citizen who can improve our society. College is worth it also because it will build your personality and grow intellectually. Some people think college is a risky investment because if you are taking more debt, and unable to pay back afterword, you will be in big trouble. However, if you think more deeply about what else college can bring to you; you will see college can actually bring you more rewarding assets. In the online article â€Å"Is College worth it?† from PewResearchCenter, the Pew Social Trends Staff said â€Å"Among survey respondents who graduated from a four-year college, 74% say their college education was very useful in helping them grow intellectually; 69% say it was very useful in helping them grow and mature as a person; and 55% say it was very useful in helping them prepare for a job or career.† This means the things you experience and expect in college is different and difficult to train in the reality. While you became a smarter person, is there any cost you can trade in to become a knowledgeable man? Getting a degree is hard but the most important is the stuff you gained when you graduated from college. In this situation, we should try to encourage more people to get into college. People think college does not worth probably are not finished college. To persuade them is to get them into college and let them experience the changes leaded by college. I think government should lower the interest rates for college student loan so people can less consider the most common factors. Also the government can set up an alternative way to finish college like offer other type of degree which is easier to complete and government approved. Lets have people to realize that having a college education is important because this will improve the quality of our life and country.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Importance of Keeping Appointments - 998 Words

The Importance of Keeping Appointments I am writing this essay as a plan of action because I managed to miss a scheduled appointment. Missing a scheduled appointment may seem like a rather minute infraction but if you think about it and trace it back far enough it has a negative impact on all parties involved it effects the army as a whole, the government, tax dollars, every American and possible most of the population of the planet even if they don’t know it or feel an impact from it on some level even if insignificant it effects civilization as a whole. I had an appointment with the Army Substance Abuse Program scheduled for Tuesday the 13 of November at 13:00 in the afternoon. On this particular Tuesday I was also scheduled for an†¦show more content†¦If they rolled out on time, they may have avoided an ambush. It sounds extreme but time management plays a critical role in the Army. When you make an appointment, that spot has been reserved for you. That means if you have been given the last slot so meone else is going to have to wait for another one to open up. This could be one day or one month. And because you missed it someone else is still going to have to wait when they could have had that spot and been there. If you are going to miss the appointment or cannot make it due to mission or other circumstances they do allow us to cancel the appointment with in twenty four hours. The Army allows us to make appointments for whatever we need. Be it for a medical appointment, house goods, CIF, Smoking Sensation or whatever we need these recourses are available to us. But when Soldiers start missing appointments these systems start to become inefficient. Soldiers do not realize is that when they miss an appointment it does not just affect them; it affects the entire chain of command from the Squad Leader all the way to the First Sergeant. When a Soldier misses an appointment the squad leader must answer for the Soldier, the Squad leader must answer to the platoon Sgt., the Platoon Sgt. Must answer to the First Sergeant., and the First Sergeant must answer to the Battalion Sergeant Major. I don’t this to ever happen again, lessonShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Importance of Keeping Appointments1064 Words   |  5 PagesArticle 86 of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice. This Article covers Point and Place of Duty. That means from PT formation to COB that is where you will be. What a lot of Soldiers do not understand that includes appointments made by them or someone else. We have appointment times, SP times, formation times and many other start times that dictate we will be there. 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